


know more about Google Bookmariking

People are always using bookmarking option in the browser. Using it they are bookmarking their favorite sites, so that they can open it later, no need to find them again. How about having the same thing with more features?
We all knew that Google is quite popular for their good products. Google is also having product related to bookmarking our sites with many good features. Check out below link.
This is quite good concept from the Google. Here you can add unlimited bookmarks of your favorite websites with particular category and description. Just click on Add bookmark button from the left menu and you can easily add your sites with all description like below.
After adding you will get your sites lists like below image.
From this list you can easily sort your bookmark list with different available filters. You can also search your added sites quite easily. If you want to export your sites list then there is button on left menu. Using that button we can easily export our list of sites on the html page.
How it can be beneficial?
With this feature you can easily bookmark unlimited sites in it. Also you can easily find-out about them. In different browser we having different bookmark list but here that will be not problem. You can have your same bookmark list on any browser. It is not limited to your own computer; you will get it on any computer using your Google Account. It is like our bookmarking page moving with us. Isn’t it great? I know it can be beneficial in many ways.


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